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Tesla Quartet

The Tesla String Quartet is acclaimed for their superb capacity to find the inner heart of everything they play, regardless of era, style, or technical demand” (The International Review of Music). The ensemble brings a program of good humor and energy, beginning with a quartet by Haydn, in which he pulls a series of great musical jokes on the audience in the piece’s final movement. A piece by the unique Polish composer, Grażyna Bacewicz, sits at the heart of this program, imbued with a sense of optimism and childlike wonder. Bacewicz wrote this infectious work during her neoclassical era of composition, while living and working in Paris. Dvořák’s String Quartet No. 10 closes the concert; this charming piece is notable for its Slavic sensibilities, with the second movement written in a melancholic “dumka” form, the third in a more operatic Romanza and the final, triumphant movement referencing a lively Czech dance called the ‘skočńa.’

  • 1336 Campus Dr
  • Durham, North Carolina 27705
  • Time: 7:30 PM to 9:05 PM
  • Location:
    Baldwin Auditorium
  • Admission:
    $47 Tier 1; $35 Tier 2; $10 Students; Duke employees save 25% all season long.
  • Contact:
    Duke Arts
  • arts@duke.edu
  • 919-684-0540
  • Website
  • Add to calendar: Ical, Google