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Horton Grove Hike

Join Triangle Land Conservancy Trail Guides on a brand new social hike series at Horton Grove! There will be a hike on the first Wednesday evenings of the month to explore Horton Grove trails, socialize, and learn something along the way. During the hike, you will tackle 1-2 miles of trails, depending on the group. The hike will extend past dusk, so feel free to bring a flashlight or headlamp. This is a special opportunity, as these trails close to the public after dusk, so come out and see the preserve in a different light!

horton grove

Upcoming Dates For This Event:

  • Wednesday, August 7
  • Wednesday, September 4
  • Wednesday, October 2
  • Wednesday, November 6
  • Wednesday, December 4
  • Wednesday, January 1
  • 7360 Jock Rd
  • Durham, NC 27503
  • Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Location:
    Horton Grove Preserve
  • Admission:
    FREE, but preregistration required
  • Website
  • Add to calendar: Ical, Google