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Bennett Place State Historic Site


4409 Bennett Memorial Rd
Durham, NC 27705
Phone: (919) 383-4345
Visit Website

Bennett Place is the site of the largest troop surrender and the effective end of the Civil War. In April 1865, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston and his Union adversary, General William T. Sherman, met in Durham at Bennett Place where Gen. Johnston surrendered the Southern armies in the Carolinas, Florida, and Georgia. Today, the site includes restored historic structures, a visitor center and museum, special living history events and tours.

Google Reviews

Photo of Deborah Everleigh Deborah Everleigh
Dec 19, 2023 5

Excellent museum and collection of items. It's pretty amazing the significance of what actually happened here. Consider it a bonus if coming on a day with period re-enactment. The day we came there was a regime gun demonstration. Free admission but donations welcome.

Photo of Susan Cypher Susan Cypher
Dec 19, 2023 5

I loved everything about Bennett Place - the structures, the history, tge artifacts, the grounds, and the people. It is a well-kept area, and everyone was so kind and friendly. We were lucky enough to see Santa, have handmade treats, hot apple cider, and popcorn (all with their own histories and stories), and to watch the rifles being shot. Santa was beyond kind to my autistic granddaughter. It was a 10 out of 10 experience for us.

Photo of Matt Stilwell Matt Stilwell
Dec 1, 2023 5

Nice, relatively unknown historical place. The surrender that occurred here, from Gnl. Johnston to Gnl. Sherman, marked the nd of full-blown armed hostilities. It was not the final surrender of the Confederacy. Excellent museum, and Drew and Ryan are the type of fellers you could chat with at a bar with a beer, and forget what day it is, let alone what hour.

Photo of Brian Telfer Brian Telfer
Nov 29, 2023 5

Really great introductory film on the significance of Bennett place. We timed our visit for 10 am tour by a volunteer. It was AMAZING. Ralph W, a retired history teacher, wove the facts into an amazing narrative that had us listening intently. We weren't all history nerds, but really enjoyed it.

Photo of Danny Tatum Danny Tatum
Nov 20, 2023 5

The guide was very knowledgeable and did a great job presenting the significant history for the Bennett Place.

Photo of Pam Barry Pam Barry
Sep 12, 2023 5

If you love history, you will like the Bennett Place. Take a tour, watch a movie, explore the museum and shop in the gift shop. It has walking trails and hosts several events throughout the year. There is something for everyone.

Photo of Gary Shaw Gary Shaw
Aug 20, 2023 5

This is a very important part of history! Very seldom do you come to a place that has such significant impact on American history. To be in the spot that they signed such a life changing document was truly chilling. The museum was very well done and the video was very good. Staff was friendly and very knowledgeable. Don't pass up the opportunity to visit a very important historical site if in the area.