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Thomanerchor Leipzig

The Vocal Ensemble Series closes in Duke Chapel with a concert by famed German boys’ choir Thomanerchor Leipzig. Established in 1212, it’s one of the oldest and most renowned choirs in the world. Associated closely with Johann Sebastian Bach, who served as its cantor (music director) from 1723 until his death in 1750, the choir has preserved and performed his works for generations. With weekly performances in Leipzig, and a touring group of fifty boy singers between ages nine and eighteen, this historic choir captivates audiences worldwide with its impeccable renditions of sacred and secular music. The New York Times calls the choir’s sound “magnificent, soaring, poignant, ethereal.” Their program for this visit includes works by more than ten composers, including Bach.

  • 401 Chapel Dr
  • Durham, North Carolina 27708
  • Time: 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM
  • Location:
    Duke Chapel
  • Admission:
    $45 Tier 1 $35, Tier 2 $10, Students (+14 years and older with student ID), $5 Children accompanied by an adult
  • Contact:
    Duke Arts
  • arts@duke.edu
  • 919-684-0540
  • Website
  • Add to calendar: Ical, Google