Silent Book Club
Enjoy an evening of literary camaraderie at DSSOLVR’s Durham taproom! Every third Monday of the month, the @SilentBookClub convenes to celebrate the joy of reading with fellow book lovers. Bring along your current read, and connect with new bibliophile buddies. Starting at 6:30 mingle and chat, then dive into an hour of totally chill silent reading from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Finally, share your book thoughts and discover with the group. Join us for an evening of reading and intellect at DSSOLVR Durham!
Upcoming Dates For This Event:
- Monday, September 16
- Monday, October 21
- Monday, November 18
- Monday, December 16
- Monday, January 20
- Monday, February 17
- 630 Rigsbee Ave
- Durham, North Carolina 27701
- Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- Location:
DSSOLVR Durham - Admission:
Will Craddock -
- 863-259-9027
- Website
- Add to calendar: Ical, Google