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Durham Grown: the Durham County Library Garden Club

Join All-Skills Gardening group of Durham, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers, Panther Creek Forest Farm, and Driver Street Nursery for a fall community plant swap! Bring your perennials, saplings, shrubs, bulbs, houseplant cuttings, and seeds to swap and share with other local gardeners. Have all your gardening questions answered by Durham County Extension Master Gardeners. Join with community partners Panther Creek Forest Farm to learn about native trees and Driver Street Nursery to learn about native plants in Durham. Check out the Digging Durham Seed Library resources and seeds! Fall is a great time to plant to get a head start on next year’s garden.

The swap will be held in the outdoor amphitheater located off the lower-level parking lot.

Registration is appreciated.

  • 300 North Roxboro Street
  • Durham, North Carolina 27701
  • Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Location:
    Durham County Main Library outdoor amphitheater
  • Admission:
  • Website
  • Add to calendar: Ical, Google