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6911 Fayetteville Rd
Durham, NC 27713
Phone: (919) 806-3442
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Google Reviews

Photo of Maddison Wood Maddison Wood
Oct 22, 2023 5

I went to this REI to look for a backpack, but I was struggling to figure out what exactly I needed, and this employee named Chris came up and helped me out. He was very knowledgable, kind, easygoing and thorough with taking my measurements and telling me about all the different options for hiking backpacks, then he even filled a backpack with weights and had me walk around the store and make adjustments as needed. This is a great place to go if you're new to hiking and camping and need some help to get you started. It's worth it to go in person for the expertise provided!

Photo of Patrick Herron Patrick Herron
Oct 22, 2023 5

Bike staff was outstanding in every respect: responsive, thoughtful, efficient, prompt, and highly skilled. Went in for a tubeless wheel setup and it was done with perfection in under 15 min. REI is fortunate to have such a great staff. I just read from another review about the possibility of unions there. I hope valuable people like those in the bike shop realize they deserve protections to enjoy some decency in employment. Good people all around. They deserve the best.

Photo of Lindsey Chew Lindsey Chew
Aug 30, 2023 4

update: it looks like the employees @REI Durham have successfully unionized and i'm glad to see there have been some efforts to remedy the situation. REI Durham has currently put an employee on administrative leave for his involvement in trying to form a local union. While I like REI’s products, this behavior shows no regard for their employees’ wellbeing or humanity, and I’m deeply disappointed in the management. I will be buying online or at other REI locations because I believe in workers’ rights. @REI Durham management, I hope you do correct your actions so that your employees are treated humanely as fellow human beings.