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Duke Lemur Center


3705 Erwin Rd
Durham, NC 27705
Phone: (919) 401-7240
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Google Reviews

Photo of Corbyn Redmer Corbyn Redmer
Aug 26, 2023 3

I think the cages are rather unfortunate. I know they swap them out but I would only do that if I really thought it was necessary in some way. The main problem is the confined space, but there is no point in photographing them because every picture will have cage in it. He thought there should be a couple of large panes of glass. At least where you could get a clear shot. Again, the main problem is that the animals should be in a larger area like is done in an aviary.

Photo of Zeina Alshehri Zeina Alshehri
Aug 8, 2023 5

The Duke Lemur Center in Durham, North Carolina, is an incredible place to explore. The lemurs are captivating, and the staff's dedication to their care and conservation is evident. A must-visit for anyone interested in wildlife and education!